Engine: CF6-80E

ATA Code: 72-55-01:

Part #: 1778M39P08

Repair #Description
001 Repair Diameter AB
001 Repair Diameter B
001 Repair Diameters B & AB by Thermal Spray
002 Repair Diameter A by Thermal Spray
004 Repair of Crakced Forward Tangs
005 Application of Protective Paint & Solid Film Lubricant
008 Repair Mounting Flange Corrosion by Machining
009 Straightening of the Shaft
010 Repair of Threads by Nickel Plating
011 Shotpeen Corrosion on the Aft Cone Area
72-0535 Borescope Inspect ID for Corrosion
C&I Clean & Inspect
CMB 001 - Repair Diameters B & AB
REP Replace Shank Nuts
REP Ream Aft Flange Boltholes
REP DR - Repair Diameter Z
REP Repair Diameter H
REP MPI and Apply Coatings

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