Engine: V2500

ATA Code: 72-50-41:

Part #: 5A0864

Repair #Description
001 VRS1492 - Repair the Surface Damage of the Thread of LP Turbine Shaft
002 VRS1493 - Repair the Surface Damage of the LP Turbine Shaft Spline
003 VRS1491 - Repair the Surface Damage of the LP Turbine Shaft
004 VRS1498 - Apply Chromium Plating to LP Turbine Shaft [+14 Days]
005 VRS1499 - Apply Chromium Plating to LP Turbine Shaft [+14 Days]
006 VRS1496 - Apply Nickel Plating to the LP Turbine Shaft [+14 Days]
007 VRS1497 - Apply Chromium Plating to LP Turbine Shaft [+14 Days]
008 VRS1502 - Apply Chromium Plating to Shaft
011 VRS1495 - Replace the Corrosion Resistant Coating of the LP Turbine Shaft
012 VRS1494 - Repair the Corrosion Resistant Coating of the LP Turbine Shaft
019 VRS1501 - Repair the LP Turbine Shaft Front Face of Balance Land
C&I Clean & Inspect

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