Engine: CF34-3

ATA Code: 72-41-00:

Part #: 4923T89G03

Repair #Description
002 IS - Repair of TBC
003 OS - Repair of TBC
005 IS - Replace Gang Channels
007 OS - Weld Repair
008 IS - Weld Repair & Resize
009 OS - ADH Repair
010 IS - ADH Repair
019 Dome - Tab Slot Weld Repair
023 OS - Replacement of Retainer, Igniter Ferrule, Pad, & Boss
024 Dome - Replacement of Swirler Assemblies
027 Dome - Baffle and Cone Repair
038 IS - Patch Through Nugget Repair
040 Dome - Replacement of TBC & Gang Channel Nut Assemblies
041 Dome - Weld Repair and Resize
042 OS - Replacement of Outer Ring Seal Groove
043 OS - Patch Through Nugget Repair
044 Dome - Weld Repair of Baffles
046 IS - Weld Repair & Resize
047 IS - Weld Repair of Aft Inner Shell Support
048 Dome - Flare Cone Replacement
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